Bath Person Cotton Sweatshirt - Esker
Bath Person Sweatshirt - Esker
Bath Person Sweatshirt - Esker
Bath Person Cotton Sweatshirt - Esker
Bath Person Sweatshirt - Esker
Bath Person Cotton Sweatshirt - Esker

Bath Person Sweatshirt

Sale price$48.00

Share your love of baths with the world with our in-house designed Bath Person hemp cotton sweatshirt. Wear this designer quality sweatshirt proudly, knowing that it is made from sustainably sourced hemp, and organic cotton and was delivered to you in recyclable packaging from a brand that is certified PlasticNeutral+ by CleanHub. Our Bath Person sweatshirt is a loose, comfortable fit in sizes S/M and M/L.

Also, take a look at our Bath Person t-shirt



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